Introducing Deep-Heart Healing

Through my work, I come in contact with special souls, whose intent is true and virtuous.  One such soul is Steven Distefano, co-founder of Deep-Heart Healing.  Over time, Steven has remained consistent in his devotion to spiritual growth for himself and his community (both local and long-distance).  This post serves as an introduction to the ministry of his heart, Deep-Heart Healing.  Here are a few excerpts from his work, and the work of co-founder, Ulrike Basile.  Enjoy!

Deep-Heart Healing
Introducing Deep-Heart Healing

The focus for Deep-Heart Healing is the overcoming of fear-based energies in our life by love.

The great human problem of evil and fear lies in believing the illusion that we are separate from one another, separate from nature and Spirit.  This is ignorance of what truly is: Our Oneness. When this is overcome, we behave lovingly towards one another. What is most needed today therefore is healing the effects of believing the illusion of separateness and the fear it generates in our lives.

In the way of Deep-Heart Healing, – Spirit discerns all things. We are all an interdependent web of relationships mutually influencing each other in every moment. As we become aware of Spirit as Loving Ground we can discern how all things work towards the realization of our unique call to love from The Spirit for the good of all.

Deep-Heart Healing also stresses that we can develop intuitive guidance as we commit our whole life for the good of all. Intuitive guidance has but one aim — that we may discern what is in harmony in our life, in all our thoughts, words and actions with Spirit and what is not.

Deep-Heart Healing assists the direction of the heart towards the commitment for Universal Good which discerns all energies at work in our life.

  • What spiritual practice will best serve my awakening to Spirit?
  • What are the unresolved fears and limiting beliefs from my earliest years and throughout my life that are now calling to be released?
  • Where in my bodily systems is there imbalance and what supplements, healing modalities will best restore my natural balance?
  • What relationships and/or choices in my life, best serve my realizing the greater joy and freedom to respond to The Call of Spirit given me?

It is in listening to such questions as these in the presence of Spirit that what we truly need is discovered.

For Healing Sessions (by phone or in person), Talks, Workshops:

Steven Distefano
(402) 651-1926


Ulrike Basile
(402) 319-7790

3 Comments on “Introducing Deep-Heart Healing”

  1. Hi Meagan, no, they don’t have a website that I’m aware of, but if you call them, I’m sure they can provide you with more information. Thanks for your interest!

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