You Are Not Alone


You are not alone.”

This article has been revised, updated and expanded upon. You can get the fully updated (free) article about tips about being alone here. Thank you.

8 Comments on “You Are Not Alone”

  1. OMG! This is a revolutionary idea for me. I’m gonna try it! Sometimes my sense of “aloneness” is suffocating. And I’m always reaching outside myself (grabbing my boyfriend, my dogs, my social groups, etc) to fill that void. I do meditate pretty often, and that does help – but what you’re suggesting here is a new level I’m anxious to try. Thanks!

  2. This is so incredible ! I was just having these very conversations with friends last night over backyard-picnic dinner! Matter;energy;
    string theory and Over-lapping dimensions are food for thought.
    Is it miles that separate us or could
    it just be our way of thinking?
    Sometimes, I do a guided meditation
    where I climb this spiral staircase
    up the side of a giant black cast iron cauldron, when I reach the top, the inside bottom is so deep I can’t see it. Then I take the leap of faith and swan dive into the void, the creative force comes alive and anything is a possible.
    Anything that is a reality was most
    likely an idea first.
    Another guided meditation that’s
    fun is one where your walking down a long hall-way with doors on both sides. Each door is stenciled with
    works such as “the next big adventure” or ” important recollection” “Mysterious Magic”
    ETC. You could even imagine what- ever floats your boat as the words
    form and labels the door. Pick your door and go on in. Explore.
    But, remember to come back Safely.

  3. Hello Avia.

    The reason why I’m here is I have had an empty feeling for my whole life and I am tired. To tired care, to laugh, to love. A few days ago I began searching for something deeper than what the masses have to teach me. The truth be told, I didn’t know where to start, as far as I know I was born in the Chinese year of the horse and my Element is Earth.

    I read the symbolic meanings for the horse right here on your website and I didn’t feel I had any of the attributes of the “HORSE”. It talks of power and freedom! While here was here I had one those “AH – ha” moments, like everything I had been looking for internally had hit me all at once. There are two main reasons that i now know have got me through the moments past. Nature and music, for every time I felt down I would resort to these without truly releasing the effect they have on me, my thought and emotions!

    I hope I’m not just talking to a computer. But if you do read this I just wanted to thank you, because I have found a an energy here that I have never felt before and I that your site gave me the last push to get me into a new way of thinking.

    The Mind Is The Center Of The Universe!

    Thank You Avia! Thank You!

  4. I love this post- it’s impossible to be alone- yes it is I know, but what a wonderful wonderful reminder. I love the idea of listening to our blood as exotic music. Oh heavens, this is rich! Thank you for your great work. I found your blog because I found a tiny blue jay feather on the way home from work when I ha asked for a sign just minutes before. Namaster, Janice

  5. Hi everybody, thanks so much for sharing on this blog. Time and again I’m reminded we’re all in this life together @ this pivotal time. It’s an honor to be swimming in the same seas of dreams with each of you.
    Brightly beaming,

  6. wow I was just saying a prayer to my guides this morning that I wanted to feel more connected to them as I have been feeling aa bit numb and quite dissconnected from them for too long. Then I happened across your blog today – so glad I did. Great advice.

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