Crackers, Croakers, Crazy. Oh My!


In the name of all things precious and divine, I swear I’ve finally lost my mind.  Seriously.  I’m writing this post in my skivvies because I can’t find my pants.  Honest Abe.

Why?  It might have something to do with whom I lovingly refer to as my “Croaker in the Crack.”  I call him “Crackers” for short.

Now before it becomes obvious that I’m certifiably crazy, let me explain.  You see, Crackers is a toad I made friends with at this house I’ve been renting (and am currently moving from).

Yep.  I’m moving.  AGAIN!  This is the 4th move in less than two years.  All this commotion is partly due to insanity, but necessity has played a big part too.  If you want to read my thoughts about the symbolic meaning of moving – click here.

So what’s this got to do with my Croaker in the Crack?  Well, as with all household moves, things get chaotic.  It’s nuts enough I can’t find my pants, or my toothbrush, or my coffee mug…because…guess what, Lil’ Miss Efficient has packed (apparently) EVERYTHING! Ugh.  But what dove me into the nut mix completely was Crackers the Toad.

The little guy comes out every night to serenade me.  He pokes his head out from a little crack in the back porch.  Like clockwork…POP! Hello!  Cutest little fella!

Well, I’m sleepless, and whacked out, and bonkers with moving on my mind.  So I wake up (as usual) at 3:00 a.m. this morning.  I stagger out the back door to let the dogs out.  To my surprise, I see Crackers!  But he’s not on the back porch.  He’s in my house!!!

This normally isn’t a big deal.  I’ve got no qualms or squeamishness when it comes to picking up toadies (and still put them in my pocket like I did when I was a kid).  But Crackers is a pistol!  That toad is the wiliest, slipperiest baby!  It took me forever to catch that sucker!

Finally captured and placed safely back in his crack outside, I had to think about the symbolism of all this.  You know me.  Ain’t nothing going on without a symbolic meaning!  😉

Did you know in China, frogs and toads are good luck symbols?  Yep.  And, they’re specifically lucky in terms of safe travel.  That really speaks to me – especially during this current move and transition.

In my (somewhat wacky) mind, Crackers showed up inside the house to give me a blessing.  This little guy is a reminder that no matter the craziness of moving, I’ve gotten my sign that this is the right move to make.

So even though Crackers kept me up for hours chasing him around the house (without pants, no less), I’m happy for the shenanigans.  It’s just another sign the Universe is using to let me know everything is going to be okay.

Oh, and Crackers might also be a lesson that sometimes chaos is OK too.  Going crazy sometimes is OK too.

Who knew, my little Croaker in the Crack could pack such a whallup in symbolism and life-lessons!?

What’s the take-away point for you?  Hmmm.  Could be stuff like:

  • Creep out of your crack.  Poke your head out of your hole and explore!
  • Hop out of the conventional.  Move in directions you might not normally take.
  • Get cracking! Crack the codes the Universe is sending you ALL the time! Even when it seems all hell has broken loose, I assure you it hasn’t.  I can also assure you the Divine is always sending you vital signs and tons of inspiration.

In short, be still.  Get calm.  Relax.  Then catch that hoppy bit of hope that’s landed in your house you call life.  Just like I did with Crackers.  Sometimes the craziest moments hold the most sane insight (even without pants on, lol).

Toady blessings to you!


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