Animal Wisdom


This is Suki.  She knows stuff.

In some ways, she’s as dumb as a bag of hammers.  I don’t begrudge her that, because in some ways, I am too.

But she knows.   She knows stuff that’s important.  She knows about mothering (she’s mamma to Buster…if you follow me on Facebook, you know who that is).

In fact, she knew about how to give birth to five kittens (including Buster Boy) at the perfect time.

Well…it was perfect for her.  It was not so perfect for me.  She popped her kits out on my couch while sitting next to me.  One minute I’m watching Food Network on TV…the next minute Suki is spewing out all manner of eewwy-gooey stuff (yes, that’s a technical term).  My season in the medical field made me gag at the slightest sight of gore…and lemme tell ya…this was NOT a sight for my faint heart. Icky-gross!

Nevertheless (and whilst repressing my gag reflex)…it was a sensational sight.  Suki (first-time mom) went about caring for her kits like a pro.  Cleaning, feeding, playing – she handled the whole nurturing arena of motherhood with aplomb.  It was like she had been doing this all her life (which was young at the time – she was only about six months herself when she had those five kittens).


Suki knows when to give.  She knows when to tend, when to care, when to support, when to nurture.

Case in point:  It is extremely rare when I cry.  But every time I do…Suki is like an arrow.  She shoots herself right by my side.  She seeks a target in need, and aims to plant herself in support.  Absolutely every time I’ve shed a tear, Suki comes running at my side.  That means, when I’m bluest of blue, Suki is there to turn my frown upside-down.  What a remarkable and lovely thing that is.

I have a tremendous support group for times when I’m low.  I love my dogs, cats, friends and family.  But I have never had such instant-knowing as I experience with Suki.  Like I said…she knows.

I’m certain there are plenty of you out there who have similar experiences with animal wisdom.  You have encountered, first-hand, that animals know!

How do they know!?  It’s a beautiful mystery.  But I am so grateful they have the capacity far beyond mine.  And so thankful animals DO know…it galvanizes a human-animal connection that is invaluable, rich and loving.


This post is intended to encourage everyone to appreciate Nature’s creatures in all shapes, sizes, forms, behaviors and attitudes.  So, give a squeeze and a kiss to your animals…do it right now.  They know.  They love.  Thank goodness!

This post is also intended to turn the tables.  Meaning…YOU know too.  The job, the weather, the mortgage, the credit card debit….that’s all BS stuff that gets in the way of truly knowing what a fellow human (or animal) needs.

Who needs you?  Who or what requires your tender-loving care?

Be like Suki. KNOW!  Be by the side of someone who needs you.  Now!

Be a better person by being more like the creatures that roam this earth.  Adapt to animal wisdom.  It will serve you well in every area of your life.

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