What does it mean when we dream of animals? There are several explanations like:
- Getting more connected with nature
- Being in touch with our primal side
- Adapting to environment
- Following our instincts
Animals in dreams also give us messages of survival. Animals are designed for survival and when they come into our dreams I’ve found they are communicating ways for us to adapt and adjust ourselves. They show us to be flexible so move out of limitation and into thriving situations.
Animals in dreams are reflections of who we are. For example, if you are dreaming of a bear, ask yourself how that bear represents who you are. Is there a part of you that needs to go into an intense span of rest (hibernation)? Are you a gentle giant? Is it time to forage for new opportunities?
It’s important to take note of the condition of the animal and the habitat of dreams. If your dream animal is healthy, shiny and brilliant – it’s a very auspicious sign – a good oracle indeed. If your animal is being chased, or looks malnourished it’s a clear sign for personal evaluation. This hearkens back to the theme of survival and your animal dream is telling you to take care of yourself.
Your dream animal habitat will help with your interpretations too. Forests are symbolic of networks, communication and social connectivity. Desserts are symbolic of isolation. Water and oceans represent expanse, dreams and intuition. Skies have similar meanings as water, but also deal with telepathic communication and mentalism.
Of course, the best way to interpret your dream is by the animal that surfaces in your sleeping hours. Certain animals will have specific messages. Here is a loose guideline for what these dream meanings could present:
- Land mammals: Dreaming of ground animals in the mammal class (esp. with four legs) is sign we are wanting our basic needs satisfied. Stability, security and connection with family are the concepts all carried on the backs of mammal dreams. The realm of matter belongs to these dream animals too. Therefore these dream animals will clarify beliefs about home, hearth, health and money. These dream animals are a sign of a need for grounding and basic balance in our lives.
- Uncommon mammals: Bats, whales, platypus, armadillo and other unusual creatures who have traits from other classes of animals but are technically considered mammals will offer you messages as unusual as they are. These creatures speak to us in dreams about our ability to adapt. Specifically, they will tell us that it’s okay to be unique and atypical – even in a world that sometimes wants us to be typical or “normal.”
- Water animals: Creatures of the waters will be symbolic of our emotional lives. Fish will swim into our dreaming consciousness to give us status on our feelings, and how our emotions can help us learn more about life-perception. Sea creatures go very deep into the collective conscious and they know things about the psyche and intuitive impressions. Sea animals will help us with our psychic ability too because water is the realm of deeper knowing. Water creatures will also present messages of cleaning and purification. Call upon water creatures when you are working on developing your intuition or if you need to cleanse stale emotional energy.
- Air animals: Birds and dreaming of animals in the skies is an oracle from the realms of intellect. Air creatures are symbolic of higher thinking – the higher mind. Intelligence, strategy, logic and “the bigger picture” in terms of planning are all areas air animals will assist in dreams. Dreaming of birds and insects will help structure your thoughts. Feathers in dreams will also speak of spiritual renewal and ascension too.
I hope you have enjoyed these suggestions on what it means to when we are dreaming of animals. Check out the links below for more information related to this topic.
Lizard and Amphibious Animal Meanings
Dreaming of Animals (a list of animal meanings in dreams)
Thank you Avia, I truly enjoy reading your insights and turn to it when I receive signs. It’s been helpful. Thanks.