What Does it Mean When We Dream of God?

One of my readers asked the question: “What does a dreaming of God mean?”  The following is my response:

Dear Divinity Dreamer:

I could never presume to know.  Each of us has a different and special relationship with God.  Indeed, each of us has a different understanding & interpretation of the concept of God.

And so, dreaming of God can mean many things to many different people.  Ultimately your own heart determines the meaning in your mind.

However, a some symbolic meanings when we dream of God include:

  • Wanting a closer connection with the divine
  • Feeling confident in a situation
  • Seeking answers in your life
  • Seeking deeper spiritual connection
  • Wanting to discover the meaning behind a secret
  • Wanting a burden to be removed in your life
  • Wanting to feel lighter, more carefree
  • Wanting to be understood
  • Wanting to feel more powerful

These are just some general directions.  I would encourage you to meditate (think/focus/concentrate) on the dream and its details.  This will provide you with more clarity.  Write down your thoughts and experiences.  The more you contemplate the dream, the more understanding will come.

Again, ultimately your own heart and soul can tell you the true meaning of this dream.