Cracking the Code – Determining Symbolic Meaning of Long Sequence Numbers

The following is a response to a question I received from a gentleman who constantly had a long string of numbers appear in his life, and wanted to know how to determine the symbolic meaning of long sequence numbers.

Dear Numb By Numbers: 

The more I work with numbers the more I’m amazed by their clear-cut energy.

We are all conduits for number vibrations.  The energy you put out is what you will attract in numbers.

I’ve worked with people who have retained the same phone numbers of deceased relatives.  One such instance occurred when a granddaughter kept drawing out a phone number…a little research uncovered this was her great grandfathers phone number twenty years ago!

I cannot tell you if your number is a phone number, or lucky number.  I can tell you that there are no coincidences, and there is certainly a reason for you to continually draw this number into your awareness.

I would recommend you play with the numbers – make different combinations of them.  Add them all up and reduce them to get a single number like so:
7+7+0+3+5+5+4+6+0+9=46, 4+6=10

The number ten can be reduced to one – to understand the meaning of one, you can look on  my website on the Spiritual Meaning of Numbers page which provides a basic summary of the number one pertaining to new beginnings.

You can also view this number as a full 10 – is such case its meaning deals with completion, perfection, wholeness, union, and coming full circle in your life.

I would encourage you to take combinations of your full number, add them and reduce them as I did for you above, and begin doing research on the meanings of the single numeral.

Play with the whole string of number – mix them up – draw them, paint them, journal with them, consciously walk with them (count out seven steps, then another 7 steps, then pause to represent zero, etc., etc.) you can also do the same practice by dancing with them (seven steps, seven steps, pause, three steps, five steps, etc. etc.).  Eat seven grapes with your breakfast, then seven ice cubes in your water, etc. etc.

I’m serious – play with these numbers and incorporate into various different facets of your life – even brushing your dog with the stroke count of your numbers.  I’ve had many people tell me working with numbers in the Tarot has helped them with determining symbolic meaning of long sequence numbers too.

Also, contemplate these number just before falling asleep.  Often this reveals answers to us in our dreams.

These practices show the universe that you are making an effort to “crack the code” of your numbers – you are making an effort to understand their meaning.  When you make the effort – your answers will absolutely come to you.

7 Comments on “Cracking the Code – Determining Symbolic Meaning of Long Sequence Numbers”

  1. the number 22 has been in my life ever since i can remember.
    it is both my mothers and my fathers birthdayas well as my own. my mother was born on march 22nd, father on may 22nd and I on agust 22nd.

    i always not intentionaly look at the clock when it is for example 4:22 or 8:22 and so on.
    also it is part of my cell phone number.

    does this number have a meaning in my life, or is it all just a coincidence?

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